I am a marine scientist working on climate change impacts on distributional patterns of marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning


About Ernesto


I am interested in how human induced impacts such as climate change or marine litter disposal into the ocean affects marine ecosystems. I use a combination of models and observations at multiple scales and dimensions applied to global ocean datasets. My goal is to use my integrative research to improve ocean health and help create resilient marine communities, even while faced with population growth, climate change or ocean pollution.


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Research Interest

  • Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Future distribution of marine biodiversity, time-series analysis, marine heatwave events, global ocean circulation changes.

  • Conservation and management of marine ecosystems. Marine ecology, connectivity of marine populations, marine protected areas.

  • Ocean health. Marine litter impacts on marine ecosystems.


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  • 2005. BSc Marine Biology, University of La Corunha, Spain

  • 2008. MSc Oceanography, University of Southampton, UK

  • 2017. PhD in Climate Sciences, University of the Basque Country, Spain


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Professional Appointments

  • 2023- : Researcher. Marine Ecosystem Functioning. AZTI (San Sebastian, Spain).

  • 2019-2022: Postdoc researcher. Climate change impacts on ocean circulation. Scripps Institution of Oceanography (San Diego, USA), Oregon State University (Corvallis, USA) and AZTI (San Sebastian, Spain).  

  • 2018: Project officer. Marine litter impacts on coastal ecosystems of SE Bay of Biscay. Surfrider Foundation Europe (Biarritz, France).

  • 2012-2017: Research assistant. Climate change impacts on marine biodiversity. AZTI (San Sebastian, Spain).  

  • 2011-2012: Research assistant. Ecosystem health and water quality in the Basque Coast. University of the Basque Country (Bilbao, Spain). 

  • 2010: Research assistant. Ecosystem modeling of the North Sea. Hamburg Oceanography Institute - KLIMA Campus (Hamburg, Germany).  

  • 2008: Research assistant. Satellite oceanography: Harmful algal blooms in the Baltic Sea. Finnish Institute of Marine Research (Helsinki, Finland).





1) Chust, G, Villarino, E, McLean, M, Mieszkowska, N, Benedetti-Cecchi, L, Bulleri, F, Ravaglioli, C, Borja, A, Muxika, I, Fernandes-Salvador, JA, Ibaibarriaga, L, Uriarte, A, Revilla, M, Villate, F, Iriarte, A, Uriarte, I, Zervoudaki, S, Carstensen, J, Somerfield, PJ, Queirós, AM, McEvoy, AJ, Auber, A, Hidalgo, M, Coll, M, Garrabou, J, Gómez-Gras, D, Linares, C, Ramírez, F, Margarit, F, Lepage, M, Dambrine, C, Lobry, J, Peck, MA, de la Barra, P, van Leeuwen, A, Rilov, G, Yeruham, E, Brind’Amour, A and Lindegren, M. Cross-basin and cross-taxa patterns of marine community tropicalization and deborealization in warming European seas. 2024. Nature Communications

2) Canals, O, Corell, J, Villarino, E, Chust, G, Aylagas, E, Mendibil, I, Craig, TM, Gonzalez-Gordillo, JI, Irigoien, X and Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, N. Global mesozooplankton communities show lower connectivity in deep oceanic layers. 2024. Molecular Ecology

3) Villarino, E, Watson, JR, Chust, G, Woodill, AJ, Klempay, B, Jönsson, B, Gasol, JM, Logares, R, Massana, Giner, CR, Salazar, G, Alvarez-Salgado, XA, Catala, TS, Duarte, CM, Agusti, S, Mauro, F, Irigoien, X and Barton, AD. Global beta diversity patterns of microbial communities in the surface and deep ocean. 2022. Global Ecology and Biogeography

4) Chust, G, González, M, Fontán, A, Revilla, M, Alvarez, P, Santos, M, Cotano, U, Chifflet, M, Borja, A, Muxika, I, Sagarminaga, Y, Caballero, A, de Santiago, I, Epelde, I, Liria, P, Ibaibarriaga, L, Garnier, R, Franco, F, Villarino, E, Irigoien, X, Fernandes, JA, Uriarte, A, Esteban, X, Orue-Echevarria, D, Figueira, T and Uriarte, A. Climate regime shifts and biodiversity redistribution in the Bay of Biscay. 2021. Science of The Total Environment

5) Pearman, J.K, Chust, G, Aylagas, E, Villarino, E, Watson, JR, Chenuil, A, Borja, A, Cahill, AE, Carugati, L, Danovaro, R, David, R, Irigoien, X, Mendibil, I, Moncheva, S, Rodríguez-Ezpeleta, N, Uyarra, MC and Carvalho, S. Pan-regional marine benthic cryptobiome biodiversity patterns revealed by metabarcoding Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures. 2020. Molecular Ecology

6) Villarino, E, Irigoien, X. Villate, F, Iriate, A, Uriarte, I. Zervoudaki, S, Carstensen, J, O’Brien, TD and Chust, G. Response of copepods communities to ocean warming in three time-series across the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. 2020. Marine Ecology Progress Series

7) Villarino, E, Watson, JR, Jönsson, B, Gasol, JM, Salazar, G, Acinas, S, Estrada, M, Massana, R, Logares, R, Giner, C, Pernice, M, Olivar, MP, Citores, L, Corell, J, Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N, Acuña, J, Molina-Ramirez, A, Gonzalez-Gordillo, JI, Cozar, A, Marti, E, Cuesta, J, Agusti, S, Fraile-Nuez, E, Duarte, CM, Irigoien, X and Chust, G. Large-scale ocean connectivity and planktonic body size. 2018. Nature Communications

8) Goldsmit, J, Archambault, P, Chust, G, Villarino, E, Liu, G, Lukovich, J, Barber, D and Howland, K. Projecting present and future habitat suitability of ship-mediated aquatic invasive species in the Canadian Arctic. 2017. Biological Invasions

9) Payne, MR, Hobday, AJ, MacKenzie, BR, Tommasi, D, Dempsey, DP, Ji, R, Liu, G, Matei, D, Miesner, AK, Mills, KE, Strand, KO and Villarino, E. Lessons from the first generation of marine ecological forecasts. 2017. Frontiers in Marine Science

10) Chust, G, Vogt, M, Benedetti, F, Nakov, T, Villéger, S, Aubert, A, Vallina, SM, Righetti, D, Not, F, Biard, T, Bittner, L, Benoiston, A, Guidi, L, Villarino, E, Gaborit, C, Cornils, A, Buttay, L, Irisson, JO, Chiarello, M, Lima, AV, Blanco-Bercial, L, Basconi, L, Guilhaumon, F and Ayata, S. Mare incognitum: A glimpse into future plankton diversity and ecology research. 2017. Frontiers in Marine Science

11) Chust, G, Villarino*, E, Chenuil, A, Irigoien, X, Bizsel, N, Bode, A, Broms, G, Claus, S, Fernández de Puelles, ML, Fonda-Umani, S, Hoarau, G, Mazzocchi, MG, Mozetič, P, Vandepitte, L, Veríssimo, H, Zervoudaki, S and Borja, A. Dispersal similarly shapes population genetics and community patterns in the marine realm. 2016. Scientific Reports *shared first authorship.

12) Lezama-Ochoa, N, Murua, H, Chust, G, Van Loon, E, Ruiz, J, Hall, M, Chavance, P, Delgado de Molina, A and Villarino, E. Present and future potential habitat distribution of Carcharhinus falciformis and Canthidermis maculata by-catch species in the tropical tuna purse-seine fishery under climate change. 2016. Frontiers in Marine Science

13) Villarino, E, Chust, G, Licandro, P, Butenschön, M, Ibaibarriaga, L, Larrañaga, A and Irigoien, X. Modelling the future biogeography of North Atlantic zooplankton communities in response to climate change. 2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series





College of Earth, Ocean &
Atmospheric Sciences

Oregon State University. Complex Adaptive Systems Group. Corvallis, OR 97330

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

University of California San Diego
8622 Kennel Way, La Jolla, CA 92037


Herrera Kaia
Portualdea z/g 20110 Pasaia (Gipuzkoa)Spain

Field Work




EURO-Basin. RV Go Sars. Oceanographic campaign. Bergen (NO)-Nuuk (Greenland). Project: EURO-Basin. Climate and human forcing, ecosystem impact and consequences for living resources management in the North Atlantic.


Bay of Biscay. Abundance and distribution of pelagic fishes using acoustic methods.